Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Not feeling 100%

I'm not feeling 100% today. D'ya wanna know why? Do ya? It's because I've lost 10% of my body weight, so I'm now only 90% of the old me!!!! Wahoooooooooooooo!

Can you tell I'm pleased? I've now lost a stone and a half, and losing 10% of your bodyweight if you're obese (as I am) gives many health benefits, for example reduced cholesterol, improved blood pressure, less chance of having type 2 diabetes and more. I lost 1.5lb this week, taking me to 13st 3lb. 13st by Christmas doesn't look too difficult now... maybe even by the first week of December!

I didn't look at my BMI (Body Mass Index) when I started, but have calculated it now. When I started the WW plan 72 days ago my BMI was 34.2, so I was well and truly in the OBESE category. Now my BMI is 30.7, so I am edging closer to being just "overweight".

I'm going to put my success this week down to eating the sort of food that I love in quantities I never would have been content with. Many of you who are friends with me on Facebook will have read POTATOGATE. For those of you who are not, here it is... "Dinner tonight was roast chicken, roast potatoes, cauliflower and carrots. Due to my weight watching, I went for masses of veg, one chicken breast and just one, very crisp, perfectly formed roast potato. This is my treat, you see. I don't resent this, it's how I choose to make my diet work for me. What I DO resent is saving my ONE potato till near the end of the meal, at which point a certain small person looks longingly at the potato, then lovingly at me to say, "Mummy, can I have just one more potato? Please?" before swiping said potato off my plate with her fork."

I can easily give up roast potatoes in the sort of quantities I used to eat - easily 6-8 potatoes with my roast - but to lose my only potato right at the end of my meal did make me irrationally upset. I made a chocolate and ginger cheesecake at the weekend to eat with friends after dinner (my friend Steve cooked a wonderful chicken casserole with buttery mash and greens). I had a small slice (and may actually calculate the entire recipe in terms of points if I ever make it again) and loved the indulgence of it, the naughtiness of it, and the fact I had 4 days to reign it all back in again in time for my weigh-in. That for me is key - I can indulge, as long as I then get back on track.

My other way of coping with "the diet" is by making soups. I am currently working my way through a batch of zero point vegetable soup - ingredients below. One of my colleagues at work commented today that the soup smelled of "farts". Lovely! And I won't deny, there are some breezy side-effects associated with eating so many vegetables... but if I eat a lovely tasty soup with zero points for lunch, I can then eat a normal dinner with my family, side effects or no. 

Once again, I thank you all for your comments, messages and support. Only a few more weeks until Christmas, so maybe I'll get a photoshoot with my lovely man then... 

Warming cabbage soup
Half a white cabbage, shredded
One butternut squash, diced
3 large carrots, diced

1 yellow pepper, diced
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 onion
1tsp oil
1 tablespoon of flour
1 chicken stock cube in 3 pints of water
Coriander (ground and leaf)
Black pepper

Fry onion in oil. Remove from heat, then stir in flour. Add stock gradually, stirring to make a roux sauce (but without the milk). When all the stock is combined, return to the heat, add vegetables and stir until you reach boiling point, then leave to simmer until all vegetables are soft. Add spices to taste (I used about 1tsp of paprika, 1/2 tsp of each type of coriander and a good pinch of black pepper. Keep tasting until you're happy with it. Nutmeg works well with this soup - just use what you have.

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