Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Clean 9 days 5-6

After the buzz of the first few days of this detox, I'm actually feeling a little deflated. Don't get me wrong, I feel slimmer, am less hungry, and have totally forgotten what a snack is! But my weight is staying the same... 
Having two shakes and a 600 calorie meal for my entire food intake must surely contribute to weight loss, mustn't it? I feel ENTITLED to lose weight - I've earned this, surely? It's hard to give myself any credit for feeling a bit better, when what I was hoping for was steady, continued weightloss. 
What is making me feel worse (much worse) is that Scott started the Clean 9 on Saturday and hasn't lost an ounce (or an inch!) and is feeling really dejected. Those first two days are so tough, with zero food, just one shake, and huge amounts of foul-tasting aloe that I feel really bad that he hasn't lost any weight. He has been doing the recommended daily exercise and isn't cheating, so I would have hoped for at least a few pounds off, purely because he's not drinking, not eating crap, and is missing two whole frickin meals a day! 
All I can hope is that when the nine days are up we can continue eating healthily, as the temptation will be to "reward" ourselves. I've downloaded "My Fitness Pal" to help calculate meal calories, and will continue to use that. I still have three days to go (Scott has 6) so we'll report back in a few days, but I could really do with a cup of tea and a cake. Fruit teas are not quite as exciting as a good glass of vino, but they'll have to do... For now...

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