Saturday, 7 February 2009

Week 8

It's been a weird week - I've told a few more people that I'm pregnant, and I'm starting to actually believe it! I'm getting really excited just at the thought of seeing my midwife in a couple of weeks - I'm going to the New Forest Birthing Centre in Ashurst - a bit of a home-from-home rather than a hospital!

I've got no nausea this week, just hormones all over the show - I'm crying for no apparent reason, and getting cross without cause. Ah well, that should allegedly stop in the next week or so as the placenta takes over the production of the baby's hormones. Mine should then return to normal, whatever that is!

I'm also lucky in that, as yet, I have no cravings, except for the one for chocolate, but I don't think it counts as I've had that since I was about 8 years old!

Strange thing this week: 3 separate people have said it must be a boy because I'm not sick or having weird cravings - apparently girls cause more turmoil when you're pregnant compared with boys. We'll have to wait and see on that score - My booking appointment is 18th Feb, and the scan is unlikely to be much before the end of Feb/beginning of March.

Hope you're all well - I look forward to seeing you for hugs and non-alcoholic beverages soon!

pregnancy calendar

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